Moms these days don't know how good they have it! After waiting 5 years, I finally had our last baby and I'm feeling quite spoiled with the latest gizmos and gadgets the modern baby world has to offer!
Here are a few of the mind-blowing must haves along with a couple tried and true items every expecting Mom should know about.

Baby Nail Trimmer // Portable White Noise Machine // Merlin's Magic Sleepsuit // Boogie Sucker // Tap Lamp
Have you ever CLIPPED the tip of your baby's finger with those horrible tiny nail clippers? I have, and the Mom-shame is real! To say this baby nail file kit is heaven sent would be an understatement. It's easy, quiet and fool-proof.

Yeah, yeah. We all know white noise is key to soothe your baby to sleep. But white noise on-the-go is next level genius and a carpooling Mamma must! Hook it to the carseat and never let that baby miss a nap again.
It says so right on the front of this funny looking thing, it's MAGIC! Zip your baby up in this and sweet dreams to you both. It's easy, keeps them warm (but not too warm) and is the cure to every Mom's biggest nightmare.
Boogie sukcer, hu? Sounds gross, but has literally been my very favorite discovery. Skip the manual mouth sucking gadget and go with this instead. Nothing feels better than cleaning your baby's nose out so they can breathe, and therefore EAT! It's easy to clean and even plays soft tunes during sucking.

This lamp is cordless so you can place it anywhere and take along with you for those late night feeds. It's light and keeps you and your baby just 1 tap away from each other.

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